Private Family School
Family school is a safe, non-judging space in which to ask and learn about birth, the postpartum period, and newborn care. Our classes are led by experienced midwives and are designed to provide information, support, and empowerment. We cover a range of topics including prenatal care, nutrition during pregnancy, breastfeeding basics, postpartum recovery, and much more.
During one family school session, we can cover one or two of the following topics:
- Preparing for Birth
- Birth Plan
- Stages of Labour
- Natural | Pain Management
- Birthing in Hospital | at Home
- Planned C Section - How to prepare yourself & your baby
Postpartum Period
- Hormonal Changes
- Breast(feeding)
- Recovery
- Nutrition
- Tips & Tricks
Newborn Care
- Skin to Skin | Bonding
- Needs of a Newborn
- Skin Care
- Hygiene | Umbilical Cord Care
- Basics of Peeing and Pooping
- Safe Sleep Surrounding
One Session | 70€
This is a one-time family school session with a duration of 1h 30min.
Virtual Session | 70€
This is a virtual one-time family school session with a duration of 1h 30min.
Group Family School
If you have a group of friends wanting to take the sessions together, please send us an email via [email protected] and we will arrange an individual package for you.
The session is held in our cozy CARÁ Studio located in Põhjala Factory, Marati 5, Tallinn.
Please be aware that at Põhjala Factory, we have two distinct spaces. You can find the directions here.