Lecture: Child Illnesses & First Aid
As we all know, the first years of a child's life are full of challenges and surprises. On top of all that, we also have to face when our babies and toddlers get sick. Pediatrician Doctor Hannes Vaas gives an overview of the most common diseases and their recognition and shares recommendations for dealing with diseases at home.
More frequent health concerns in babies and young children
- Respiratory tract infections
- Infections of the digestive tract
- Stomach, ear, and other pain
- Head trauma
How and with what to treat a child at home
- First aid
- Medications with doses suitable for children
- Other home treatments
- Home pharmacy recommendations
When to see a doctor
Understand when to contact your family doctor, when to call an ambulance, and when to go to the emergency room on your own.
- One Person | 30€
- Partner Ticket | 15€
This lecture is held in our cosy CARÁ Tartu, located at Raekoja plats 8, Tartu. Find the studio via this map.