Holistic Baby Sleep Consulting

Do you feel that while pregnant, everything is geared toward the birth, however you know very little about the baby’s sleep? No doubt you’ve been told ‘sleep now, you won’t be able to sleep after your baby’s born’. While there is some truth in it (!), because newborn sleep really is quite fragmented, you absolutely will be able to sleep and we want to be able to help you by giving you realistic expectations, as well as tips and tricks to hand.


Consultation 60min | 99€

60-minute video call or a face-to-face consultation at our clinic in Tallinn, as well as a detailed PDF document that covers the following:

2 Week Support Package | 179€

You first fill out a sleep questionnaire and diary (3-4 days’ worth of sleep data), which the sleep consultant then analyses. Additionally, you will have:


To make a booking, please get in touch with us at [email protected]



The in-person session is held in our cozy CARÁ House located in Põhjala Factory, Marati 5, Tallinn.

Please be aware that at Põhjala Factory, we have two distinct spaces. You can find the directions here.


The virtual service will take place via Zoom. You will receive a Zoom link in your confirmation, as well as a reminder email.